Independent Advice
We can search for the best options for you from across the market as we aren't tied to specific providers.
Free Initial Appointment
Come and have a free, no obligation, chat and see how we can help you.
FCA Authorised
We’re authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, the UK’s financial services regulator.
Our Services
Take the financial stress out of your life.
​We provide independent financial advice to help you make the financial decisions that matter to you.
What sets Holistic Finance aside from the rest?
Local trusted family business
Your financial freedom is our focus
Our commitment to getting to know you
We'll always be open and honest with you
Our team is friendly and approachable
We're here to advise and support you around your busy lifestyle
Did you know?
43% of the population admitted to not knowing how much they needed to retire according to a survey by
Ensure your legacy goes to the ones you love.
Around 60% of adults in the UK haven't made a will.. are you one of them?
Make sure your wishes are carried out the way you want.
Save your family unnecessary distress at a difficult time.
Our sister company Holistic Law can help you.
Make your appointment today.